
The profiles listed in this Register have been documented from the stories and photos contributed by custodians and others who willingly shared information. Readers who have additional information about the history of any Couta Boat are invited to forward it to so that it can be added to the Register.

Mum C57

Boat Details

Sail Number:
Boat Location:
Sorrento Sailing Couta Boat Club, Sorrento, Victoria
Current Custodian:
Timothy Entwisle
Year Built:
Designer & Builder:

Ken Lacco at Rosebud, Victoria.

Timbers Used:

Hull: New Zealand Kauri
Deck: Beech

Length: 21 ft.
Beam: 5 ft. 9 in.


Early Years
Mum was designed and built by Ken Lacco in Rosebud, Victoria in 1935. She is 21 foot in length.

Custodian: George Newman; 1940s – Unknown
Sources verify that George Newman, a fisherman from the well-known Newman family in Rosebud, Victoria took her to Queenscliff and used her to fish for barracouta. It is thought that she also fished the northern coastline of Tasmania for a time.

At some time Mum was owned by a chap from Geelong in Victoria who, it is believed, named her.

Custodian: Claude Everitt; Early 1990s – Late 1990s
In the early 1990s, Claude Everitt who lived in Queenscliff but owned a farm in north-east Victoria, found Mum lying half-sunk in the corner of a creek at Queenscliff. Although she was in a derelict state, Claude purchased her and commissioned the Wooden Boat Shop (WBS) in Sorrento to restore her.

During the 1990s, Claude sailed Mum out of Queenscliff Lonsdale Yacht Club (QLYC), and also sailed in the Couta Boat fleet on the opposite side of the bay at Portsea and Sorrento. She was successful in winning a number of races, including the Nissan Regatta in 1995.

In the late 1990s, due to changing circumstances, Claude sold Mum.

Custodian: Liz and Tom Buxton; Late 1990s – 2000s
Her new custodians Liz and Tom Buxton of Portsea used her regularly for family recreational sailing.

Custodian: Tim Entwisle; 2000s – Present
In more recent years, Mum was purchased by Sorrento Sailing Couta Boat Club (SSCBC) member Tim Entwisle. In the time of Tim’s custodianship Mum has undergone further restoration.

In 2019, she was back in competition sailing, competing in the Division 2 Lacco Cup out of the SSCBC. Tim intends to sail Mum regularly with the Division 2 fleet. She is in good hands when Tim regards her to be:

A beautiful little boat with slender lines and best in light airs.

Mum is moored off the jetty at the SSCBC.

Race Record

c1994: 1st CBC Portsea Cup
1995: Winner, Nissan Regatta

Hardback Coffee Table Couta Boat Book

The Hardback Coffee Table Couta Boat Book is now available for order.
The book is a fascinating mix of wonderful photos and interesting stories.
CLICK HERE to Buy The Tradition Lives On – a Register of the Historic Couta Boats