2022 Couta Boat National Championships Div 1

An awesome regatta: Results and photos are here https://sailingresults.net/sa/notice/?ID=81445
New Class Rule

A big thanks to Michael Golding who worked with Geoff at the Wooden Boatshop to look at the ways to sustainably re-purpose Couta Boat sails. There are quite a few boats that get new sails each season yet the old set are in some cases much better than those on other boats. – Michael and […]
Technically Speaking – Class Rules

The Technical Committee has been asked some questions about the class rules and the answers are being shared with the whole class. Digital Compass The Technical Committee (TC) was asked if a solar powered digital compass is allowed on a Couta Boat. The TC considered the following rules. 2.5. The Couta Boat is a non-developmental class. Boats […]